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Reverend Everett Peterson: Loving How Jesus Loved

By April 8, 2015January 26th, 2023No Comments

ev headshot (2)(1)From the very start, Reverend Everett Peterson expressed that his volunteer work is NOT about him but ALL about Christ. In his opinion, he and the others he volunteers with are just doing what any Christian should do—going to the places where the hurting people are and showing them the love of God.

And volunteering at the Cherokee Rescue Mission brings their passion to life.

“He is known as Rev. Ev by our clients.” Sheppard Wright, Volunteer Enhancement Specialist, explains it perfectly, “…what really sets him apart is his heart for those in need. In your interview it will come out how he is burdened to help those who seem to fall through the cracks, even by some church groups. When he, his family and church serve dinner for our clients he has such a gift for interacting with people, and they really open up to him because they are able to see how genuine he is in his concern.”

Rev. Ev is the pastor of Awaken Church of Gaffney—a church that he and his family planted in August 2010, holding services in their living room. Everett says that he had known of Miracle Hill Ministries prior to planting the church. He also knew that when he planted Awaken Church of Gaffney he wanted to get the church involved with the ministry. So, two and a half years ago, they connected with Miracle Hill Ministries and have been serving since.
“I love it,” he says, “I look forward to it every single month.”

The church committed to volunteering, knowing that it would be a good way to show the love of Jesus to hurting people. Everett observes that most of the people in the shelter often feel hopeless and lack self-worth.

But his goal is to show them that someone is still on their side.

And even though his ultimate goal is to serve them, they end up serving him too by showing him the realities of life. He says, “Personally it shows me that any one of us are only one or two choices away from being destitute.”

Everett is considered the ideal volunteer because his heart is filled with the gospel, showing love to everyone around him and living out Christ. Because, after all, Miracle Hill Ministries is all about Christ.

One gospel. One servant’s heart. One person at a time.

And that’s what it’s all about.


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