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Children at the Greenville Rescue Mission

By April 17, 2013January 26th, 2023One Comment

Our five family apartments at the Mission are filled it seems all the time. When one family checks out, another comes along. Sometimes there is a waiting list. We see families come for any number of reasons. Loss of job or income often means loss of a place to live. There are times when couples move to Greenville from another state having no idea where to go when they get here. Addiction problems may mean loss of place to live or it could be just not knowning how to handle money. Dysfunctional families are in need of much counseling, goal setting skills and often a time to just refocus their lives.

Children get caught up in the drama and tension of Mom and Dad when they are here. Often we have just married couples. But just as often there are children. Over the past few years quite a few pregnant women ahve come and given birth during their stay here. (at the hospital of course). But it is always a joy to see a new life come into exsistance. We also see toddlers and school age children. There is a very good school near the Mission and teachers are wonderful with our kids. At the time of this writing we have a two year old boy, an eight year old boy and six year old girl.

Families attend weekly Bible studies, marriage counseling, individual couneling and goal setting help. We are thankful that not only can we help with shelter, food and clothing, but can show them the love of Christ and help them toward making good decisions and a right way of living.

Often dealing with families is a challenge. And often our hearts go out to little children who are caught in the conflict. But how thankful we are to see God working in lives and changes made for good. And we are so blessed by those who give of their resources and time to help us help those who are struggling with life’s challenges.

One Comment

  • Myrna Helms says:

    Looking for marriage counseling for my husband and I. My husband is at miracle hill overcomers program and has been there for about 8 weeks. It has been suggested that we do marriage counseling and we can do it there where he is. Can you please help us find a counselor to help our issues caused by addiction to begin rebuilding our marriage. Thank you, Myrna Helms 803-207-4570

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