Alex Borges (far left) and Cook-Up volunteers serving at Boys’ Shelter
Serving with Miracle Hill over the past six years has been such a blessing for me because it has met a need that God places in our hearts to pour ourselves out for others by meeting them where they are.
My serving has mainly been through the Cook-Up ministry at the Boys’ Shelter each week but also being available to meet occasional needs as they arise, such as leading a HOG (Hands on Greenville) Day project or assembling beds for Shepherd’s Gate.
Through the clarifying power of His word and encouraging biblical community, God invited me — a 30-year-old, single guy with an abundance of free time and energy — to begin serving. Over the years I was able to extend that invitation to a consistent and incredibly motivated team who felt a similar calling. They too owned the cause.
Miracle Hill staff made it easy for me to complete the volunteer application forms and stay compliant in order to work with children. Through those relationships I was able to be at their disposal to rally my community group and friends around those occasional needs that arose.
Serving For The Right Reason
I remember begging for people to come help for the first couple of years and at times feeling I was bearing the weight of the Cook-Up ministry upon my shoulders with the goal of affirmation from others. But eventually I discovered I needed to trust God and relinquish control of it to Him. Through that process He provided others who were similarly motivated by Christ. Their faith didn’t need much of my motivation. I could, instead, focus on making it easier for them to volunteer, and they in turn enriched the ministry infinitely more with their own fingerprint than I could have asked or thought.
As a result, we’ve seen over 65 different boys work with us to serve the whole Boys’ Shelter over 1000 plates while learning cooking and teamwork skills at the same time. We’ve watched some of them grow to shed their anger and even share a devotion with everyone before dinner! We’ve seen 13 beds at Shepherd’s Gate cleaned and installed to support women looking to stabilize their lives. We’ve seen Miracle Hill thrift shops beautified through cleaning up their landscaping. All the while, we were becoming volunteers who better understand and live out how God has served us.
Taking the Next Step
Through my time volunteering at the Boys’ Shelter, and getting married too, I’ve realized that God has called my wife and I to foster as the next obedient step in our lives. Hearing that the Boys’ Shelter was closing at the end of 2020 was such a perfect message for us to foster one of those boys who needed a placement. So now, as my wife and I reflect on this year and the ones leading up to it as we grew in faith and got to know each other, we’re able to clearly see the benefits God blessed us with and how serving at Miracle Hill has been such a huge piece of our lives. We look forward to continuing.
Post submitted by Alex Borges. Alex can be reached at aborg84@gmail.com.
Editor’s Note: Miracle Hill is incredibly grateful to Alex and his team for their faithful partnership with the ministry for so many years. Their dedication is a powerful example of Christ’s enduring love and relentless pursuit of His lost children. If you would like to learn more about volunteering with Miracle Hill, contact Anna Baumgartner, Volunteer Administrator, at abaumgartner@miraclehill.org or visit our volunteer information page.