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Transitional Housing Supports Path to Recovery

By August 4, 2016January 26th, 2023No Comments
Transition House

Miracle Hill transitional housing

When guests graduate from Miracle Hill’s addiction recovery programs, the support doesn’t end.  After graduation, transitional housing provides a halfway point between the strict accountability of life within one of our shelters and the onslaught of temptations beyond our walls. Participants in transitional housing practice applying the principals they learned within the program. They commit to six months of living in Miracle Hill housing, during which they keep close contact with a mentor from a local church and attend weekly support group meetings.

A Life Changed 

Ryan Duerk, Director of Miracle Hill’s Overcomer addiction recovery program for men, recently shared this story about a guest who successfully completed the program, lived in transitional housing and is now integrated back into the community:

“I had the opportunity to go for a running workout with one of our former guests at the Overcomer Center. We had a great time of fellowship as we ran laps, and he coached me in some speed drills. After we finished and were standing by our vehicles, he went to his car, came back, and handed me a money order. He said, ‘This is my program fee for my last week at transitional housing.’

Now no one would have asked him for that money order, but during his time at the Overcomer Center he learned integrity. Although he is now out of our care, he wanted to keep his word and commitment. I didn’t even know he owed the money, but he did, and making things right was important to him. He knows he reflects Jesus in all he does.

As I left, I was overcome with how amazing it is to watch Jesus grab hold of a person and change them from the inside out. I am amazed that I get to watch miracles happen in people’s lives every day.”

Community Partnerships

This kind of life change could not be possible without community partners who help provide the financial support and encouragement these graduates need to remain clean and sober and on the path to recovery.  One community partner that has found a creative and practical way to make a difference is Triangle Pest Control of Greenville.  In an effort to pay it forward, the company has donated pest control treatment for six of Miracle Hill’s transitional housing units.

Donnie Shelton, owner of Triangle Pest, said, “We understand the importance of safe, effective, pest prevention. We want to ensure the residents are protected from any household pests that may occur.”

Transitional housing is a vital bridge.  Do you want to invest in the lives of those overcoming life-dominating addictions? How might God be calling you to partner with Miracle Hill to make a difference? Contact our Overcomer Center at 864.631.0088



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