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To engage or not to engage?

By August 7, 2014January 26th, 2023One Comment

Humanitarian JesusHave you ever been so moved by something or someone that you decided to take action?  Not just temporary action but long-lasting action that required some extended time, effort and engagement on your part. A recent editorial in the Greenville News gripped my attention and caused me to think about the fast-paced, technology-infused world in which we live and how it is affecting the way we think about serving the needy. Prudence Layne, associate professor of English at Elon University, wrote:

“Hashtag movements, social media sites and other manifestations of our virtual lives have been designed to cater to a world too busy to engage in the kind of social and political engagement it takes to effect lasting change.”

In essence, Layne argued, many of us have begun to believe that our clicks, tweets, or likes on a page are enough to say that we’ve done our part.  But have we really?

Up Close and Personal

I remember one of the first times I was moved to action.  It was during the early 1980’s when the abortion debate began to grip the heart of our nation.  Christians around the country were picketing, blockading abortion clinics, holding pro-life rallies and lobbying legislators to take a stand for life.  After seeing the images of babies in the womb and learning that an unborn child’s heart begins to beat only 10 days after conception, I felt compelled to act.

At first, I participated in rallies and marches and wrote a letter to the editor of the local newspaper, but as I learned more about the needs of women considering abortion, my focus began to shift.  These women didn’t need someone shouting and telling them that what they were doing was wrong; what they needed was a loving guide who would engage in their world and offer to support them for the long haul should they choose life instead of abortion.

I decided to volunteer at the local crisis pregnancy center as a counselor.  It was emotional and at times, heartbreaking work, but I saw lives rescued and transformed.  My prayer life deepened, and I became acutely aware of how much we all need God’s grace and mercy in our lives.  It wasn’t that rallies and pickets are wrong.  They certainly have their place.  But God had called me to something more.

What is YOUR calling?

At Miracle Hill, we are looking for people who are willing to engage with people in need.  Perhaps you have been moved by what you see happening in the community around you.  Maybe God is calling you to act.

If you would like to learn more about Miracle Hill, how the ministry impacts people in need and how you can get involved, I encourage you to attend our upcoming Spartanburg fundraising event on September 9th at the Spartanburg Expo Center featuring Ryan Dobson, co-author of Humanitarian Jesus.  Ryan will share how believers can engage their world to make a difference, meeting both physical and spiritual needs. Click here to register.

One Comment

  • P Diane Buie says:

    Great article! It speaks into my life currently as I want to make more of a lasting change in the world! Thanks for the encouragement! 🙂

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