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OtherRescue Missions

The Scoop on Miracle Hill Ministries: (Factoid #’s 1 & 2)

By June 20, 2016January 26th, 2023No Comments

I’ve decided I am going to put up Miracle Hill Ministries factoids for the next several days. If you live in the upstate of SC stay tuned, this is neat information.

FACTOID #1: Miracle Hill Ministries was started in 1937 as a Gospel Rescue Mission and Soup Kitchen. Until 1957 that is all Miracle Hill was, but in 1957 a Children’s Home and our first Thrift Store opened up. The first truck used to pick up items donated to our store was a milk truck that was given to us by a local dairy farmer.

Greenville Rescue Mission - 1973

Greenville Rescue Mission – 1973

FACTOID #2: There are 9 Miracle Hill Shelters across the Upstate of South Carolina. Miracle Hill Shepherds Gate is a facility where women and their young children can go when they are in dire need. They come to our shelters because of abuse, poverty, abandonment, and/or addiction. While here, guests receive food, shelter, spiritual counseling, access to local human service agencies, educational opportunities, and most importantly – HOPE THROUGH JESUS CHRIST. Also, because many are mothers, they receive support and instruction as they care for their children. Today, more that 60 guests can be served at this facility on any given day.

On Valentine’s Day, in 1993, Shepherd’s Gate opened it’s doors. On that very first night a baby boy was born in the facility. What a way to christen the place, eh?


We are always looking to strengthen our partnerships with individuals and organizations in the Upstate. If you would like more information about how you can volunteer with, financially partner with, or take a tour of one of our Miracle Hill facilities please feel free to contact me at 864-631-0144, or email me at

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