Miracle Hill’s mentors are individuals who wish to create an ongoing, long-term friendship with an adult in one of our addiction recovery programs.
Miracle Hill Mentorship Programs
Helping Bring Out The Best In Others
Being a mentor at Miracle Hill can provide you with the opportunity to see God work in incredible ways in the lives of those we serve while allowing you to make a difference in our community.
”As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17
Adult Mentorship Program
Mentors are inherently valuable for guests in our two addiction recovery programs: Renewal for women and Overcomers for men. There are also opportunities to mentor individuals in our shelters.
Mentors help our program participants strengthen their relationships with Jesus Christ while also providing friendship and spiritual guidance along the way. If you know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and exhibit a consistent, Christ-like testimony to those your life would impact, you’d be a great fit for our adult mentorship program.
Adult mentors must be at least 23 years old and attend a mentor training weekend (offered twice per year) prior to being matched with a mentee.

Want to Become a Mentor?
Check out the opportunities for mentorships at each of these locations.