Peg Hudson, Miracle Hill Board member and Renewal volunteer
Fast. Pray. Repeat!
It’s 6:30 on Monday morning. As I reach to shut off the alarm, I am suddenly reminded it’s time to start yet another work week. If it’s Monday, then it’s a fast and pray day for me and two of my prayer warriors. Linnae, Kathleen and I have been praying for years each Monday to start our work week. Many, many weeks ago – now too many to count – Kathleen suggested we add fasting to our weekly prayer time. Her idea was to fast until prayer time, pray during lunch and break our fast around 2:30 or 3 in the afternoon.
I remember sighing heavily and not fully committing to her idea. Later Kathleen called to say they would be fasting each Monday and if I wanted to join, they would love to have me. If not, simply join them on the prayer call at 1 p.m.
Ok, ok – they got me – I didn’t know what was so special about fasting, but I reluctantly agreed to join. What did the Bible say? Did it make a difference? Why fast? At that point I had more questions than answers.
Listening More and Talking Less
One Monday led to the next and to the next, and what I now realize is fasting is a time of greater reflection, a time of being reminded of His sacrifice, an opportunity to dedicate my fasting to an issue that needs to be bathed in prayer. A soaking time of prayer of listening more and talking less.
I’ve been a volunteer at Renewal Center, the addiction treatment center for women at Miracle Hill Ministries, for over 10 years. During that time, I have been blessed beyond words. Each week as I facilitate the Career Development Class, I am reminded just how big our God is.
He answers our prayers every single time – no exceptions. Rarely how we have it laid out, but always on His amazing timeline and untangled journey to the cross.

Venus Dixon (right), Director of Renewal, meeting with a woman in recovery
He’s allowed me to see His mighty hand in the drug court hearing of a judge who gives mercy; a court battle that allows a child to come home; a volunteer who shows up to give a ride to a job interview; a family reconciled; an ex-husband who gives grace for the betterment of a child; an in-law who softens their hard stance; a minister who comes to lead devotion with a timely Bible verse; a group who goes to the prayer room and sits quietly while softly praying, hands opened and lifted to receive the power of His presence; a chill over a song being sung.
I’ve seen jobs found, charges dropped, families reconciled and recovering addicts delivered. God’s miracles are all around us. Do we open our hearts, lift our heads, listen for His voice, His actions, His mercies?
Maybe, just maybe, fasting makes me aware – aware to keep my eyes on Him and not myself as He shows me more and more of His tender mercies.
As Christians who have seen His mighty hand at work, do we wear the label of Silent Majority? Why don’t we speak up and step out, or better yet, bow down and call the name of Jesus into every scenario? What if we ask Him to either slam the door shut or swing it wide open according to His will? What if we are silent no more, but committed to telling others of our story? Of how our journey to the cross has impacted our lives?
For me I am going to continue to Fast. Pray. Repeat! each week. I am going to read His word and listen to His voice and tell others about His teachings and miracles in my everyday life.
Fasting Encouraged in the Scriptures
My wonderful friend who is no longer on this earth used to debate me about the Bible. Her more liberal leanings were centered around her interpretation of His word. She was famous for saying “the Bible says”. One day I thought, how do I know what the Bible says if I don’t read and study it myself? I decided to read the Bible through. I was active in Bible studies, but had I read it cover to cover? Had I studied it? How was I applying it?
The first year I read it through to get the foundational teachings. The second year I studied it, the third year I studied it, the fourth year…now I cannot make it through the challenging weeks without His words. It’s a magnificent manual on everything you will ever be up against in this world. You want to know how to do something? How to navigate something? How to manage a situation? Just pick up His word and start reading.
After years of fasting and praying on Mondays to start my work week I still have more questions than answers, but what I do know is both the Old Testament and New Testament teach the value of fasting to focus and seek His will.
If you would like to join us, simply start your Monday in prayer, reflection, quiet time; stop where you are at 1 pm ET and pray and then around 2:30 or 3 pm make your way to the kitchen and after giving Him thanks for your blessings, open the refrigerator and grab something.
All I know for sure is you will be blessed. I am silent no more! He is mighty!
Post submitted by Peg Hudson, Miracle Hill Board member and Renewal volunteer. Peg can be reached at phudson@salemreps.com