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Visiting Days with Family

By August 26, 2012January 26th, 20232 Comments

Saturdays are a long awaited day around The Renewal Center.  It is visitation day!  For the first 30 days a lady is not allowed to make phone calls or to have any visits, so when the time comes for those to be allowed, it becomes a precious privilege.

When in active addiction, the relationships in each life are under tremendous strain and destruction.  Trust, an essential principle in any relationship is compromised because of  the addicts’ behavior.  The addict may have lied, stolen, and/or exacted unfulfilled promises and expectations.  Those offenses are hard to overcome.  Parents, children, siblings and friends stand in the ruinous course that the addict is trodding down, unable to do anything like a helpless spectator.  And no doubt they ALL find themselves in a horrific nightmare.  But the GOOD NEWS IS….. there is always hope.

God is good! He is faithful! He is merciful! And He restores! Love is a powerful affection that God, families and friends have.  And that love is not broken, even in such deep distress.

When a lady comes to Renewal, hope is restored to them and their loved ones.  At that moment, the seed of trust begins.  As the lady continues on into her recovery, the trust begins to grow.  I am always amazed at the goodness of our families and friends and their willingness to trust again and to love again.  All that is required is for someone to help themselves.

Visiting days with families here at Renewal are a special time, where each party gains the reassurance of changed hearts.  And those damaged relationships begin to heal.



  • esther ezell says:

    Dear sir: Do you take pregnant women? I am looking for a faith based faculity for her. She is court ordered and needs to get into a program asap. She has attended two rehabs but all they offer is more drugs and no supervision and certainly no faith foundation or teachings. I’ll be waiting to hear.

  • Kyla says:

    She will need to fill out an application and have a phone interview to determine eligibility. An application can be downloaded from our website and then faxed to 864-282-2336.

We need turkeys/supplies to feed thousands this Thanksgiving season.How to Help.
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Conversations on a Bench
January 22 from 3:00pm to January 23 at 3:00pm

Can you imagine being homeless in this frigid weather? For 24 hours straight, our CEO will sit on a bench, outside, with no provisions, engaging in conversations about homelessness and related topics with anyone who wants to talk, while live streaming to the internet.

Bring your questions or comments and join Ryan in person, or by livestream. And be sure to like, comment and share to help us spread the word about homelessness.     -

Greenville Rescue Mission, 575 W Washington Street, Greenville, SC