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By February 1, 2014January 26th, 2023No Comments

By Kyla Walker

Satan would like nothing more than to keep our ladies at the Renewal Center trapped in their guilt.  Guilt is the unseen enemy of love and forgiveness.  It keeps a person in bondage.  It is one of the most difficult things to let go of.  Guilt can keep a person from growing and accepting the forgiveness that Christ gives and therefore, keeps that person from experiencing the FREEDOM of a LIFE WITH CHRIST.  In John 8: 2-11, Jesus went to the temple to teach the people.  The Pharisees brought a woman to Him that had been caught in adultery.  They expected Him to condemn her because of what the Law of Moses said in Leviticus 20: 10.  But what they didn’t understand, was that He didn’t come to condemn people as the Law of Moses did, but instead came to give forgiveness and to set people free….. to redeem them.  He explained to the Pharisees that if they were without sin, they could cast the first stone at her.  The Pharisees responded by walking away, one by one, leaving the woman there alone with Jesus.  Jesus explained to her that He did not condemn her and for her to leave her life of sin.

The ladies at the Renewal Center are leaving their life of sin!  They are not condemned.  They learn to accept His forgiveness and let Him redeem them, by accepting His sacrifice on the cross as payment for their sins.  With that acceptance they begin to let go of the guilt and understand things in a new way.  A transformation takes place.  Letting go of guilt is necessary to accept Christ’s forgiveness.

As a Resident Supervisor at the Renewal Center, I am blessed to witness the heavy chains of guilt being released when after a lot of hard work, the ladies are able to truly accept Christ’s forgiveness.  They realize they are not defined by their mistakes of the past and they are actually new creations in Christ!  It is that belief, that separates them from their old way of life and empowers them to live a redeemed life!

Also as a  2008 Renewal Graduate, I can say from experience, that God used the Renewal Program to free me from the guilt trap and change my life.   I am REDEEMED!

Romans 8:1 “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus”

We need turkeys/supplies to feed thousands this Thanksgiving season.How to Help.
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Conversations on a Bench
January 22 from 3:00pm to January 23 at 3:00pm

Can you imagine being homeless in this frigid weather? For 24 hours straight, our CEO will sit on a bench, outside, with no provisions, engaging in conversations about homelessness and related topics with anyone who wants to talk, while live streaming to the internet.

Bring your questions or comments and join Ryan in person, or by livestream. And be sure to like, comment and share to help us spread the word about homelessness.     -

Greenville Rescue Mission, 575 W Washington Street, Greenville, SC