We live in such a fast paced world with negative influences and the enemy all around us , with sin and temptation, pulling at us to give in and follow. Here at The Overcomer Center, as well as other Miracle Hill adult male facilities we work with men who have given in to those temptations for most of their lives. They enter the program lost and broken, without much hope for a brighter tomorrow. The best part about working at the O.C. is watching God change lives. Seeing his healing powers restore families, replace despair with hope, and transforming anger and bitterness into peace and joy. No matter what is going on in our personal lives, when we punch God’s time clock and come to work, nothing else really matters because we know we will be in His presence and will be a small part of his work in the men at the center. No matter how tired or worn out we may feel when we get to work, after Mark’s prayer and spiritual lesson, we depart the meeting with a renewed vigor and energy (from God) that sustains us throughout the day. There is nothing more rewarding then watching, and being a small part of, a man’s life when God starts his work in him and his life begins to change. I think God every day for not only changing my life, but allowing me to work and serve Him at the Overcomer Center.