Donations are regularly dropped off at the Cherokee Mission, but storage is limited.
One of the things I have noticed since taking on the position of Director at Miracle Hill’s Cherokee County Rescue Mission is the enormous generosity of the people of Cherokee County. It is rare for a day to go by that we do not have someone calling and asking us to pick up a donation of food or clothes, not to mention the countless times people have just dropped by with hands full of gifts. We often have more than we can use, which gives us an opportunity to be a blessing to some of our partnering ministries here in Cherokee County. This generosity is a tremendous blessing to us, but it has brought to light a great need we have for our ministry.
All of the items donated to us must be stored somewhere until they can be used or distributed. Currently, we store much of these items in our former thrift store on Logan Street and in several aging freezers. Although this process has served our needs up to now, the time has come for a more permanent and efficient solution.

Multiple freezers currently being used to store food donations
Our plan is to build a 1200 square foot storage facility adjacent to our current building, complete with walk-in freezer and cooler space as well as a large dry goods storage area. Having this facility on our property will then allow us to tear down the old thrift store and beautify our property along Logan Street and construct a more convenient entrance into our facility. These changes will greatly improve our ability to take what God has provided us through the generosity of this community and use it effectively to do what God has planted us here to do.
We have already raised, either by cash-in-hand or pledged funds, more than two-thirds of the projected cost of the expansion project. We still have a little way to go to meet the goal. Construction is currently projected to begin in the spring, provided the funds are available. We are asking that anyone interested in investing in the lives of broken people in need seriously consider making a generous donation to this effort. The funds are not just about building a storage area for a local non-profit. By investing in this project you will directly benefit the lives of all the men, women, and children who come into our care for years to come by allowing us to efficiently store and use the many resources provided to us by this radically generous community.

Former thrift store (top of hill) to be torn down
Our mission is simple: We exist that homeless children and adults receive food and shelter with compassion, hear the Good News of Jesus Christ, and move toward healthy relationships and stability. Everything we do is founded on that central mission. It is our sincere desire to see the people God has placed in our care come to know Him and to start a new and stable chapter in their lives when they leave us. This mission simply would not be possible without the generosity, both financially and otherwise, of the people not only in Cherokee County but across the Upstate. To learn more about our plans for the Cherokee County Rescue Mission expansion, watch the video by clicking below.
Will you help us continue the life-transforming work at the Cherokee County Rescue Mission? Contact Andy Cooper, Director, at (864) 488-0376 or ncooper@miraclehill.org . You can also designate and DONATE NOW
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gejfc9lB0FE[/embedyt]