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Addiction Recovery


By July 29, 2011August 1st, 201912 Comments

I would like to say that I have had something to do with the place I am today or better yet tell you the road that lies ahead. I simply can not do that, but what I can do is share with you a  particular knowledge of the path less traveled that I have already had to endure. I have been addicted, homeless, hopeless, afraid, but worse yet Lost. Like a child separated from there parents. I know no greater feeling of despair than for a man or woman to be lost in this world and having spent the first thirty years of my life in this deception you can only imagine the pain that the Lord has allowed me to Overcome.

We now know that God is with us all from the beginning and I believe that the men of the Overcomer Center, clients and staff, are here to let others who are lost, know that simple fact. The truth and good news that Daddy loves you, he always has and he always will, so lets get on with it and stop allowing the enemy to have victory in our lives. This pragmatic approach to faith in Christ while almost paint by numbers in Love is the way our staff brings men closer to the blessed place of peace and hope. You can not imagine what it feels  like when a man approaches you after a period of time and there in tries to convince you of the goodness of God. When only a few short months ago they struggled with the very fact of God’s existence. To watch these road wearied men come from under bridges, dark alleys, and those seldom spoke of places in life and climb out of there despair and doubt is remarkable. Men who have not shed tears since there birth now weeping with one another and expressing the very issues, so long in bondage, that now flow from every fiber of  there still beating hearts.  We witness the goodness of God and the Miracles he is able to achieve here at the Overcomer Center everyday.

This isn’t work that I do here it’s Wonderful and I wish that everyone could be a part of it. Furthermore, let me take a moment to Thank all of the donors and volunteers that sacrifice of themselves to keep this light burning.

The Overcomer Center Ministry is firmly standing on Christ Jesus our Lord and “Only” Salvation.


  • Julia Quast says:


    Wonderful post. It gave me chills to think of how quickly God can change peoples hearts once they are open to Him.

  • i need to see about getting help for a crack addiction need to stop using tired of being who i am want to be my old self again thanks

  • Terri says:

    My son is going into the program Tuesday. I am very nervous because I do not know alot about the program and am excited after reading your article. I know that God has led us to this place and I pray it works for him like it has for you.

  • Marilyn says:

    Dear Mr. Donaldson, My son has been to the mission twice and is now in Jail.. I was wondering if you could visit him?

  • Joni thomas says:

    It was Gods’s desire that I came across this today. For the last 9 months I’ve searched Miracle Hill almost daily and today is the first time I came across your story. I praise God for saving you and for placing you at Overcomers. My son, Philip has been at Overcomers. I thank God that you are allowing him to touch so many lives . I appreciate your knowledge, experience, etc. that you shared with my son. May God continue to use you daily to share His love with others. Thank you, Larry!

  • Vincent M. Stevenson says:

    I have nothing but high praise for the Overcomer’s program!!!! The greatest place on earth to help with life’s problems. The staff is truly touched in fulfilling GOD awesome work and HE definitely dwells in this place. Missing the love and brotherhood so,much that I’m trying to find my way back to become a part of the staff at GRM and maybe complete the program and truly become an Validated OVERCOMER. Iron truly sharpens iron!! GOD is truly good!!!!!! Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or terrified for the LORD your GOD goes with you HE will never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6

  • josh ray says:

    hey i just now getting out of jail and i have slipped up once. i have three kids a little girl and two boys. i only have 2 who stay with me i want to get my life right with god and myself as for my kids. i talked to a friend who has went threw this with yall and now i would like too be apart of the program. if you would get intouch with me asap thank you.

  • Grady says:

    I am at a crucial point in my life and need professional help. I’ve been through the addiction battle for a while now but it’s more to me a routine than anything.Its really getting old. I have to be around others on the same path if I wanna get anywhere in life and I am fully committed to do what is required so that I can begin living a life that’s not completely waisted .I know I can’t keep pretending all is well when chaos is around the corner. Thanks for your time and I really need and look to hearing back from you guys.

  • Kevin Tate says:

    I need help. I’ve been addicted to cocaine, alcohol, and now, Meth. My life has really taken a turn for the worse. No family support, cause of trust issues. Fiance left me, my kids are non-existent. What do I have to do to get in the program?? I need help, before I end up in jail, or dead. Please respond.

  • Nick Cogdill says:

    For all who are seeking real healing and desire to overcome addiction: Overcomers IS the place to be! I am an Overcomers graduate, who struggled with alcohol addiction. But under the instruction of Ryan Duerk, Michael Carlton, Kamron Saadati, David Neiboer, Larry Donaldson and Edward Lynch, I found what Christ had for me all along! Please do yourselves, family and friends the favor of going through Overcomers!

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Finely Tuned by Engenius

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