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FUN FACT #3 about Miracle Hill Ministries

By June 20, 2016January 26th, 2023No Comments

FUN FACT #3 about Miracle Hill Ministries: In 1959, the same year Alaska and Hawaii became states, Miracle Hill was busy constructing its first permanent structure at the Children’s Home. The first building, Miracle Hall, was constructed using volunteer labor, donated roof trusses, and concrete blocks that were paid for by the winnings of a television game show.

Mrs. Smith, wife of salvage yard owner, Noah Smith, ran across a group of boys from the Children’s Home as they were walking down the road one day. She decided to talk to them, and the boys shared with her about the new structure that needed to be built at the home, they even shared with her how many concrete blocks would be needed for its construction. Mrs. Smith had a vision of what would need to happen to get those blocks for the Children’s Home. Sometime later she was a contestant on the television game show, “Queen for a Day” on NBC. With her earnings from the show Mrs. Smith paid for the concrete blocks that were used in the construction of Miracle Hall. Once again, the Lord provided for Miracle Hill.

Want to know more about Miracle Hall’s construction, and where Miracle Hill gets its name? Stay tuned for more fun fact updates.


Miracle Hill Children's Home Chapel

Miracle Hill Children’s Home Chapel


If you would like to know more about Miracle Hill, how you can volunteer with, or support financially the work being done here, please call 864-631-0144 or email me at

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